Some teachers use technology to make their jobs easier, while others use it to supplement their existing instructional strategies. Some adopt new technologies without any hesitation, but others are more cautious. Many of them may not have the proper technology training to implement new devices in their classrooms. The researchers also found that some educators’ resistance to using technology in the classroom is based on a range of reasons, including inadequate support from administrators and federal policies that restrict teacher experimentation. When you subscribe to Xfinity Internet-only the Xfinity Flex 4K streaming box is all FREE for you to include.
Some teachers resist using new technologies in the classroom because they don’t feel confident in their abilities to handle the technology. They worry that the technology will distract their students from their lessons. One high-school teacher said that she would not use any new technology in her class because she didn’t have the confidence to use it properly. In addition, many educators are hesitant to spend money on new technologies because they’re not sure they can implement them successfully.
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Lack of internal support systems is one reason why teachers resist using technology in their classrooms. Learning new technology isn’t always easy, and some educators have different levels of digital literacy. There are also policies in schools that can hinder the use of new technology in the classroom. For those teachers who are late adopters, it is crucial to provide the necessary support. If these issues persist, educators should consider hiring a professional development coach to help them adopt new technologies.
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