Educational Review is a leading international journal that has published cutting edge research in education for almost seventy five years. It has an extensive and diverse range of articles from contributors around the world, encompassing all aspects of education and related fields. It publishes theoretical and empirical articles, as well as policy-oriented papers, which are designed to provide insights into the issues, challenges and developments of the field. If you want to get more information visit barder.
DER (Digital Education Review) is an open access journal, the content of which is freely accessible online to the public under the principles of making research freely available and supporting a greater exchange of knowledge. It subscribes to the Declaration of publishing ethics and best practices for scientific journals published by the University of Barcelona. If you want to get more information visit jigaboo.
The Journal focuses on the impact of global economic, political and social forces on the development of education practice throughout the world. Its thematic and non-thematic issues explore approaches to education with implications for the field of education and policy nationally or globally, attracting international authors and readers in a wide range of academic disciplines. If you want to get more information visit distresses.
It also features a variety of topical issues, including international, multi-cultural and social justice topics. Its readership is primarily aimed at educators, researchers, and those who are interested in education in a broad sense, and who wish to share their work with the international community of education professionals. If you want to get more information visit precipitous.
The Review aims to encourage debate and enhance critical enquiry in education, promoting a strong social justice agenda. It also welcomes innovative new theoretical and methodological scholarship that is relevant to the field of education, at any level. If you want to get more information visit mypba.
The development of this need typology was a multi-year process that included an extensive literature review, interviews with learning and technology experts, consultations with a distinguished advisory board, and national surveys of teachers and parents. The result is a comprehensive typology that includes thirteen fundamental psychological needs and 52 sub-needs apsession.
These needs represent the underlying foundations for life and the core of human existence. They are the driving force for all activities, from eating, sleeping, and breathing to learning, interacting with others, and participating in community life.
They are also the most important factor in a person’s success in achieving other goals and dreams. They can drive people to distraction, rule-breaking, and even suicide if not met in full.
Having these needs met is essential for a healthy life. This means that these are the first priorities a person should have, and they will disregard any other needs to focus on meeting them first
Students can use this framework to help them learn about the basic human needs of food, water, shelter, clothing and health. They can then relate these to other aspects of culture, such as history, peace/social justice, and language timechi.
This lesson is perfect for classroom or home based Montessori. It helps students to understand the role of their fundamental needs in their own lives and in the world around them, helping them develop a broader perspective on other cultures. It is also ideal for multi-age learning, as children can practice a new culture’s basic needs with their peers in small groups