Fresh Music is a music channel based in Singapore that plays music from India and the South. They have a diverse catalog of Indian music and are sourced from all over India. They have been in the business of making and promoting original songs since 2011. As of July 2011, they have reached millions of people. What’s more, they do not focus on religion, caste, or politics, but instead focus on love and music. Their aim is to bring all kinds of artists to the ears of millions of people worldwide through effective marketing campaigns.
To get started with FreshMusic, one must first know what the company is about. The company was started in 1989 and is owned by Todd Kunsman. Initially, it was called Fresh the Music Library. It was the first royalty-free music library in the US. However, it became increasingly popular after the internet boom of the late 90s. It has become the go-to destination for musicians and producers, as well as the people who make their music.
While many of the biggest names in music industry are foreign-based, Fresh Music has made waves in the Indian music scene. Groups such as Mura Masala, Tribal Style, Akash brothers, and Nayan Kaul are Indian musicians. Moreover, it is possible to download music directly to your smartphone. Just make sure that you don’t remove the files after you’ve downloaded them. Then, you’ll be able to listen to them whenever you want.