Credit cards offer many different kinds of rewards to their customers, but the real question is, who pays for those rewards? Essentially, the credit card company pays for these rewards with revenue from both consumers and merchants. This means that you pay for them several times over! The good news is that the credit card companies must disclose the cost of their rewards before they issue the card. You might be surprised to learn that you can earn as many as 20 percent of your rewards!
If you use a rewards card, you can earn airline miles, points redeemable for merchandise, or cash back. Credit card issuers collect an interchange fee from retailers when you pay with the card. The fee varies depending on the type of card you use, but it generally ranges from one to three percent of the final purchase price. However, you might not notice this fee if you don’t use your card very much.
Credit card companies use cash-back offers to lure consumers and encourage them to spend more. A 1% cash back is free money for consumers who can avoid paying interest. The problem, however, is that credit card rewards can encourage people to spend more. Because they are so convenient and easy to use, credit cards may encourage consumers to spend more than they should. In addition, rewards make impulse purchases more tempting. That’s why it’s so important to choose your rewards wisely Celebrity biography