If you’re not familiar wih the terminology used to describe website design and marketing, you may be wondering: What is website design and marketing? Well, a website is a web site that has content and links, but it is also a business that can attract new customers and clients. A website’s design can influence how search engine spiders display the content on a page. When the design of your website is poor, your company can face an uphill battle in search engine results. Web design is important for three reasons: it reinforces your brand image, functionality, and the user experience. Internet users have high expectations of websites, and yours must meet their needs.
First, it must look authoritative. Your website should look authoritative, yet be easy to navigate. Balance is key. A simple, straightforward website will help visitors navigate it easily and will allow you to focus on your marketing campaign. Avoid gimmicky or flashy designs, as they can detract from the user experience. A site that is visually attractive will generate positive responses, but a visual site should not overshadow functionality.
Besides looking great, a website should be easy to navigate. The user’s experience will determine whether he/she stays on your site or not. A website that’s not easy to navigate will make a visitor frustrated. A website with good navigation will retain visitors, and the better the user experience, the better for your digital marketing efforts. A website is the first line of contact between customers and business, so design is important for online success duysnews .