The Korean Film Archive, also known as the Korean Federation of Film Archives, is the sole film archive in South Korea with a comprehensive coverage of the entire country. The archive was founded in 1974 in Seoul as a nonprofit organization. Today, it houses an impressive collection of films from all over the world. While it may be small compared to other film archives, its vast collection reveals a great deal about South Korean culture. Here are some facts about this fascinating organization.
In the last decade, the Korean Film Archive has made amazing advances in collecting films, both nationally and internationally. It has recovered several films from the colonial period and uncovered educational propaganda documentaries. It has also begun the process of claiming film material from other national archives and private collections. Its international expansionist drive is both inclusive and expansionist and conscious of the complexities of national identity and cultural sovereignty. Those who are interested in Korean films will want to check out this YouTube channel.
In addition to screening films from the country’s history, the Korean Film Archive also hosts a variety of current and classic works from popular Korean filmmakers. Many of the films, including those made during the Korean War, are also available for free. The archives are updated regularly, so check out the new releases! You’ll never run out of Korean cinema again! There’s also an extensive YouTube page, which features over 200 free streaming videos.