If you’re wondering how an unsecured credit card works, you’ve come to the right place. Unsecured cards offer a variety of spending options, including travel rewards, cash back, and student cards. The most important factor in deciding whether or not to apply for one is your credit history. People with poor credit often miss payments and default on debt. Credit score companies use your credit history and spending habits to determine your eligibility for unsecured credit cards. If you’re not sure if you’ll qualify, consider getting a secured credit card instead.
Unsecured credit cards are typically issued to individuals with good credit and a stable job. They are issued based on the applicant’s credit history. The interest rate for an unsecured credit card varies by lender. Generally, the annual percentage rate is 14% – 15% – and you’ll pay the same interest rate each year. You must pay the balance in full every billing cycle to avoid accruing interest.
Unsecured cards are more flexible. They allow customers to spend a certain amount each billing cycle. If you pay your balance in full each month, you’ll never have to worry about paying interest. If you carry a balance, however, you can expect to pay reasonable interest rates. Unsecured credit cards can be harder to obtain than secured ones, so it’s crucial to keep in mind that you should make your payments on time.