Do you prefer film or digital cameras? The debate over this question can be tricky for newcomers, as the pros never refer to their gear as “film”. Amateurs, on the other hand, always say “digital,” since they use both. Digital SLRs have become the new norm, despite the controversy surrounding the term. Currently, most users can get better prints with a 6MP DSLR. Still, the pros and cons of both types of cameras are well worth considering.
Film’s chemistry is closely linked to the process of photography. While digital cameras are increasingly popular, they still can’t match the character of film. That’s part of the appeal of film, which is why film is so beloved by many photographers. There’s simply no substitute for the feeling of nostalgia that film produces. And if you’re shooting for your own personal projects, film will be the best choice.
Film-based photographs are also more versatile. Digital cameras have the advantage of being easier to store and copy. You can create multiple copies, print them, or save them on your computer. But film photos have an expiration date, are susceptible to moisture, and require special care when storing them. They are also harder to reproduce, whereas digital images are more convenient for sharing and printing. You may want to consider a film camera if you plan on creating photo books.
In a nutshell, the pixel count is irrelevant. The picture quality is far more important. Film is far superior to digital, as it offers more pixel equivalents. Film, on the other hand, has a much higher color range than digital images. This means that you can capture reds and greens with more vividness. This, in turn, makes digital photography a better choice for amateur photographers.