Hair loss is a condition that affects a lot of people in the world. Hair fall and hair loss are two different things and must not be confused with each other. Hair fall is a common occurrence and nature’s way of shedding hair naturally and replacing it with new hair.
There is a natural cycle of hair follicles that die and new ones that replace them periodically. Hair loss is accelerated hair fall due to the gap between hair fall and new hair growth resulting in thinning of hair.
Ayurvedic hair oil is known for its restorative effect on the hair follicles as they are strengthened and nourished from within and are able to grow new hair and balance out hair fall. This phenomenon is called hair regrowth where hair follicles are reactivated with nutrition that helps in growing new hair.
Hair Fall v/s Hair Loss
Hair fall is a common occurrence and is completely normal for human beings. Up to 100 strands of hair can be lost naturally every day and it is considered to be absolutely normal for the current standards.
Some people have slightly more hair fall than others owing to different body requirements and conditions, hormones, nutrition, the health of the hair follicles, environmental exposure, etc. Some medications are treatments that can also induce hair fall as a side effect.
Hair fall can be corrected easily with the inclusion of healthy fats and proteins in the diet, maintaining good hair hygiene, and using chemical-free products that are mild on the scalp and hair. Hair loss is a more severe form of hair fall when the individual faces extensive hair fall that exceeds 100 strands in a single day.
This is usually caused by a variety of reasons such as:
- Low Nutrition in the body
- Junk food and crash diets
- Poor hair hygiene
- Using chemical-based products
- Heat treatments and heating devices
- Genetic reasons
- Hormonal Imbalance (PCOD)
- Health problems such as autoimmune disease, cancer, etc
These are some of the reasons why some people suffer from hair loss. Hair loss can be frustrating and depressing as hair is considered to be one of the beautiful features for both men and women. Losing hair can make one look older and balder. It can even affect the self-confidence of most people.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Ayurveda has a lot of herbal ingredients that can help with hair loss and help in hair regrowth in the most natural ways. Herbs such as Bringharaj, Amla, Neem, Tulsi, Reetha, and Shikakai have been in use for many generations in the form of hair oils, hair cleansers, and hair masks.
The best Ayurvedic hair oil for hair growth is one of the best-kept secrets in Ayurveda that helps people in growing new hair and controlling hair loss. Ayurveda has 100% natural ingredients and these oils are made from the essence of some of the best herbs without the use of any chemicals.
It promotes the nourishment of the hair follicles and helps in the regression of hair loss through proper care of the hair follicles. It helps in maintaining the healthy pH balance of the scalp and therefore ensuring that the hair remains cleansed and sebum free.
Excess oil or excessive dryness can both aid in hair fall and therefore maintaining the right pH balance is important. These oils are steeped with nourishing coconut oil extracts so as to obtain maximum benefit through the steeping process.
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