The cost of credit financing is influenced by several factors. For example, high debtor ratios can make you seem dependent on credit. Your debt ratio is calculated by dividing your total revolving balance by the total number of available credit lines. If you have a high debtor ratio, you will likely face higher mortgage rates. In general, you should try to keep your credit utilization under 30%. This factor accounts for 30% of your FICO (r) score.
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The interest rate on an individual credit loan depends on several factors. First, your credit score can influence your interest rate. As a general rule, a higher credit score means lower interest rates. Lenders use your credit score to determine how reliable you are at repaying your loan. They calculate your credit score based on the information on your credit report, which includes all your previous loans and other financial activities. Your credit score will determine the amount of money you will be able to borrow and the terms of your mortgage.
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Next, you should pay attention to your monthly balance. While you may be able to make your payments on time, you may be nearing your breaking point if you’re owing more than you can afford. It’s better to owe a little than nothing at all. Lenders want to see that you’re a responsible borrower. If you’re a responsible and stable borrower, your credit score is likely to be high.
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