If you’re interested in earning money by writing articles online, a great way to get started is with lifestyle write for us paid opportunities. These websites accept all kinds of articles from short personal essays to reported articles. Depending on the type of niche you write about, you could earn anywhere from $150 to $200 per article. The following are some popular lifestyle write for us paid opportunities:
Roccstar’s Net Worth has allowed him to invest in various business ventures, such as real estate and fashion.
Eating Well magazine pays up to $1 per word for stories on healthy eating, food and travel. They’re also looking for articles that highlight sustainable eating practices, food trends and a dedication to the sporting life. You can follow their guidelines to write for them, but be aware that they will pay a 25% kill fee if your article isn’t suitable. You’ll also need to provide information about yourself, your hobbies and experiences, and why you’d want to cover those topics in their magazine.
If you’re passionate about veganism, high culture, or natural humanism, you should apply to Natural Humanists Write For Us. Their pay ranges from $100 to $400 per article, but there is room for negotiation. You’ll also need to be patient with these companies; it may take up to ten business days to receive a response. However, these are great places to get started writing for money online.